Problems with netscape......nothing new there then


i'm currently in the process of redesigning my site. However i cannot get it look right in Netscape, both 4.75 and 6.0.<br />
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here is the addy:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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if looking in MS explorer everything should look ok, but in netscape i've got problems with the side navigation bar, you will probably see a border around the side shadow.<br />
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You can find my next problem by clicking on the "photos" button. If you compare the layout when viewing it in explorer or NS, you can see that the layout is different. NS seems to ignore my spacers that are used to correctly align the bars that go above the circular photos.<br />
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My final problem is at the top of the photos page, under the 2001 heading. For some reason the spacing between the link "Ed's St Patrick Day Party" and the link "New year's Eve" does not seem equal to the rest of the spacing.<br />
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Hope you can help me solve some of my problems.<br />
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Matt<br />
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P.S. i should probably appologise for the poor quality of the HTML, some of it is a bit scrappy and i used quite a lot of trial and error when writing it.<!--content-->for the navigation bar you need to close all those option tags.<br />
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and the photo's page I made the width of the table that holds the image 20 bigger than what you had, so instead of 337 I made it 357. this might also solve your other problem witht eh spacing on the link.<br />
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edit: I don't think NS likes style="display:inline"<br />
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take it out and the select box comes up<!--content-->