Hi I keep running into a problem when I try and get the max number in a auto increment field:
from the command line:
mysql> SELECT order_num FROM orders;
and a I get something similar to:
|order_num |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
so then I do my actual select with max:
mysql> SELECT MAX(order_num) FROM orders;
| max(order_num) |
| 0 |
I dont understand why it is giving me 0,
in PHP i tried :
$last_order_num = "SELECT order_num FROM orders";
$last_order_results = mysql_query($last_order_num, $connection) or die ("Couldnt get the god damn order numbers");
$order_num = max($last_order_results);
but this lso gave me 0,
what am i doing wrong it seems like one of those would work
thanks in advance
from the command line:
mysql> SELECT order_num FROM orders;
and a I get something similar to:
|order_num |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
so then I do my actual select with max:
mysql> SELECT MAX(order_num) FROM orders;
| max(order_num) |
| 0 |
I dont understand why it is giving me 0,
in PHP i tried :
$last_order_num = "SELECT order_num FROM orders";
$last_order_results = mysql_query($last_order_num, $connection) or die ("Couldnt get the god damn order numbers");
$order_num = max($last_order_results);
but this lso gave me 0,
what am i doing wrong it seems like one of those would work
thanks in advance