Problems with Internet Exploder 5

Hi<br />
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A site I have built works fine in every browser I have tried it on, except IE5 on PC.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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The problem happens when a user scrolls down using the browser, text flies all over the place and basically the site goes to pot. I've never seen anything like it before.<br />
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If anyone could help, I'd much appreciate it. It has me stumped!<!--content-->HTML 4.01 trans validation @ (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ansitional</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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CSS appears valid. the errors caught by the validator @ w3c shouldn't do that. i'm guessing that it's most likely the JavaScript, which can be sketchy at best across different user agents.<!--content-->Thanks for doing that check....<br />
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I have nested a couple of tables in the pages.<br />
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Would that make a difference do you think?<br />
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The javascript should be fine but I will check through it.<!--content-->no, nested tables are fine, generally speaking, and it appears that you've nested them correctly. i dunno what it could be if not the j/s.<!--content-->don't know if you've removed the javascript or something but it's fine in my browser, 5.5 sp2, is it just 5.0? or all 5.x ?<!--content-->Not 100% sure.<br />
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I have only tried it on 5 and 6 on PC and 5.2 on Mac. It only plays up in 5.0.<br />
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This is really strange!<br />
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I'll try and get a screen grab.<!--content-->Internet Exploder. How funny.<!--content-->sdsd<!--content-->what page is that? I can't even find it.<br />
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from what it looks like is that you have a table misaligned or you are using float and IE5.0 doesn't do float.<!--content-->looks more like the PC is running low on memory. IE tnds to do that when there is little system memory available and/or the screen refresh rate slows way down.<!--content-->The four margin errors can be replaced with a little bit of CSS code instead. Put this is a text file, with a name ending in .css:<br />
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body {<br />
margin: 0px;<br />
padding: 0px;<br />
}<!--content-->what page is that? I can't even find it.<br />
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The page can be found at:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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looks more like the PC is running low on memory. IE tnds to do that when there is little system memory available and/or the screen refresh rate slows way down.<br />
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Hmm, the PC I tested this on had a lot of memory and ran other web pages without a problem.<br />
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This really is very strange!<br />
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The four margin errors can be replaced with a little bit of CSS code instead. Put this is a text file, with a name ending in .css :<br />
<br />
body { <br />
margin: 0px; <br />
padding: 0px; <br />
}<br />
<br />
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Thanks! Will implement this as soon as possible, always wondered about those margin errors!<br />
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Thanks to everyone who's helped out so far, hope I can find an answer somewhere!<br />
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Kie<!--content-->You should export the CSS to an external file and call it with instructions in the <head> section of the HTML file. Most people use this one, but it can cause problems:<br />
<br />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" src="/path/file.css"><br />
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It is better to use this slightly longer version of this, again placed in the <head> section of the HTML file:<br />
<br />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"><br />
<br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
@import url(path/file.css);<br />
</style><br />
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This version hides the CSS from older versions of Netscape that cannot handle CSS. This stops those versions from displaying a corrupted page with overlapping elements.<!--content-->still haven't managed to work this one out :(<!--content-->well for one you waited for 20 days just to tell us it is not fixed. another thing is you do not have a doctype in your page. you must have that because if you don't then the browser is in bug mode.<br />
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
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add that at the very top. again I don't see it happening on any version.<!--content-->Well, you already know how to fix the margin and the alt errors, so start by doing that.<!--content-->I have fixed the body problem on the live site, not sure what to do with the images that have no alt...most of them are just one colour images, surely it would be silly to give them alt tags because they are there to make the page look nice and serve no other purpose.<br />
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Here's an example of a live page thats cracking up...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ORYID=4431</a><!-- m --><br />
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The reason I didn't reply to messages is because I had to start working on another site and this got put to the back.<br />
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I do appreciate the help, this is a very strange error I know.<!--content-->The alt attribute is a required element in HTML 4 and above, but you can leave the value blank if you want to. You cannot leave the attribute out altogether. So try this: alt=""<br />
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