www.shorouk-international-bookshop.com <BR><BR>out SQL 7 database contains Arabic text we can read that correctly if we open the SQL database directly from the online server at our SQL web host server but the problem is when trying to make a free Arabic text search,as when matching the text written in the search field the results were negative and no data were found while the data already exists .<BR>Just to know that we have previously a problem in displaying Arabic text in the browsers through asp files and it were displayed as ???? and we have overcome this problem by adding session.codepage=1256 for Arabic, then the text were displayed correctly in the Arabic page, but we have to craete an ID coulmn for any text couln in the table that we required to search for .<BR>But when it comes to the free text this was a problem as the comparison of the data is not matched due to the unknown format of the data saved in the SQL database on our sql server web host while they insure that its unicode.<BR>Just to know that when we transfere Arabic data between tables the transfered Arabic letters were recieved ??????? which indicates that something is hapening .<BR>Our web host has created a catalog for the tables that we use for the search , incase if this may help in the problem but the problem is still the same .<BR><BR>Please support us in this Fatal problem.<BR>http://www.aspfaqs.com/aspfaqs/ShowFAQ.asp?FAQID=110I did not ask for this problem before , and I explained in detail for the problem and we still facing the same problem of Free Arabic Text search. The previous problem was how to display Arabic text.<BR>So if anybody now the solution , this will be appreciated.<BR><BR>*And* already answered in ASP Q&A.This is urgent so if you could help just sent the link to my answar.