
We have our menu on our site and each menu in a IFRAME (Dont ask i did not make it). Everything works fine if your viewing a page that is not HTTPS but as soon as you navigate to a HTTPS page, you see the security message dialog box (the one that displays when you are about to enter a Secured site or page) and it will display 1 time for each of the IFRAMES that are on the site. So basically on each HTTPS page you have to click ok 7 times before you can start viewing the page.

Now a fix for this was to set the src of the IFRAME to 1 of these

This fixed the problem w/ most of the browsers. But IE ver 6.02 does not like this little fix. This version of the browser still wants to display the security message 1 time for each IFRAME.

So i am asking if anyone else has had this issue?
Do you have a solution that may work?
If NO, Then how would you handle this situation as it would appear that there is not fix for this particular version of IE?

Thanks.Why not just connect to the iframes over a http connection?could you explain? Im not followingOk, so lets say all of your iframes are the following:
<iframe src="menu.html" /> (that probably isn't the correct syntax for them, but I haven't worked with those guys for atleast five years). Anyway, if you are on the site from a http connection, the absolute URL of those iframes would be something like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://yoursite.ext/menu.html">http://yoursite.ext/menu.html</a><!-- m -->. Were it over an https connection: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://yoursite.ext/menu.html">https://yoursite.ext/menu.html</a><!-- m -->. If we specify the absolute URL from the iframe itself, it won't be dependant on what the viewer is using. <iframe src="http://yoursite.ext/menu.html" /> Now, it doesnt matter if the client is connected to your site on a http or https protocol, it will still grab the iframes from an unsecure location, thus not informing you about entering secure sites.

I've never actually worked with secure sites, so I'm not entirely sure this is possible, but fingers crossed, eh?