I'm having problems using the dbase_open function because it keeps showing this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dbase_open()
I've opened the php.ini file (php.ini-dist)and I've specified the extensions directory (the directory in which the file named php_dbase.dll is) and I have uncommented the dbase extension....but it still doesn't work!! (and I haven't forgotten to restart my webserver) and it keeps giving me the fatal error I said above..
Please, could somebody give me some advice or just tell me what am I doing wrong? I would really appreciate...
P.S: I'm working on a Windows 2000 system
Thanks for all
I'm having problems using the dbase_open function because it keeps showing this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dbase_open()
I've opened the php.ini file (php.ini-dist)and I've specified the extensions directory (the directory in which the file named php_dbase.dll is) and I have uncommented the dbase extension....but it still doesn't work!! (and I haven't forgotten to restart my webserver) and it keeps giving me the fatal error I said above..
Please, could somebody give me some advice or just tell me what am I doing wrong? I would really appreciate...
P.S: I'm working on a Windows 2000 system
Thanks for all