I have a div which I'd like to remain at 960px when a browser window is scaled accordingly and up to 1100px when more screen real estate is available.I tried using \[code\]min-width:960px\[/code\] and \[code\]max-width:1100px\[/code\] . All browsers seem to recognize the \[code\]min-width\[/code\] but not the max. I actually tried it with each alone and using max the div just became hidden.I'm not sure if any of my other rules affect the code but this is what i have\[code\]#div { min-width:960px; max-width:1100px; height:550px; margin-top:10px; background-image: url(../images/trans_bkg.png); background-repeat: repeat; position:absolute; right:10px;}\[/code\]Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to accomplish with the code but I can provide a screenshot if that would help.Thanks