Problems Moving A Perl Script To Tch


Just wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I have in moving a small fully working Perl Script running on DSVR in the UK to TCH.<br /><br />I wrote a script some while back which reads one of 5 flatfile databases as determined by the parameter passed with the script call. These files contain property details which are simply formatted and displayed on screen. The program is currently running unde Perl V.5.6.1 successfully.<br /><br />On TCH under version 5.8.1 I am getting odd things crashing the script.<br /><br />The file layout is up to 9 fields per record. A record which has field 0 set to "Ftr" will print the next field (1) as a footnote. Field 0 set to "Hdr" will cause the next x fields to printed in table cells - the column headers. Anything else is a property record and each field is printed in the appropriate table column.<br /><br />The first problem I had was that the script uppercases all fields. In respect to "Ftr" records (where only 2 fields are populated) V.5.6.1 handled the blank fields without a problem. On v5.8.1 I get and error message "Can't Coerce UNKNOWN to uc in .........."<br /><br />Having commented out these lines the script now just crashes with Premature end of script headers........"<br /><br />Is there really a vast diference between the versions or is it simply that something else needs to be set up on TCH to run the script properly?<br /><br />I attach a zip file with the 3 script files used and would be grateful if anyone could assist.<br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />Alan<!--content-->
Hi Alan.<br /><br />First of all, welcome to the family! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br /><br />Although I can't help you because I'm not a PERL programmer, I'm sure someone will be able to help you.<br /><br />I just wanted to welcome you to our family and assure you you'll get help with your problem <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
I am about as awful with perl as they come. But welcome to the family!<br /><br />I can't even read perl so I can't tell if you'd need to have tch staff add anything. Our techs are fantastic with installing CPAN modules if requested, though, so if that is one of the problems you may want to submit a ticket.<br /><br />Other than that - if noone here is conversant enough with perl to help, you might wish to check out the fantastic programmers at the forums. They're usually fast and on the ball with this stuff and may be able to help you troubleshoot the script. =)<!--content-->