I'm having problems getting a Code Behind page to get the value of a Visable="False" TextBox and then displaying it in a Label.<BR><BR>Here is my ASPX:<BR><%@Page Language="vb" Src=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"TestForm.vb" Inherits="TestForm"%><BR><HTML><BR> <HEAD><BR> <title>TestForm</title><BR> </HEAD><BR> <body><BR> Press the Button!<BR> <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"><BR> <asp:TextBox ID="strDBID" Visible="False" Runat="server>123</TextBox><BR> <asp:Button ID="submit" Text="Submit" Runat="server /><BR> </form><BR> <asp:Label ID="msg" Runat="server" /><BR> </body><BR></HTML><BR><BR><BR>My Code Behind Code:<BR>Imports System<BR>Imports System.Web<BR>Imports System.Web.UI<BR>Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls<BR><BR>Public Class TestForm<BR> Inherits Page<BR> Public strDBID As TextBox<BR> Public msg As Label<BR><BR> Sub Submit_Click(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)<BR> msg.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(strDBID.Text)<BR> End Sub<BR>End Class<BR><BR>After clicking Submit, nothing happens. Any Ideas!!!!<BR><BR>My ultimate goal is not to actually have it display the information in a label. This is only to see if I can get the value over to the Code Behind. What I want to actually do is pass the hidden value over to the Code Behind and then grab that information, put it in a variable that I can use in a SQL statement on the Code Behind. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to accomplish either one of these or both I would really appreciate your input. <BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>David<BR> <BR>Check out the RegisterHiddenField method of the Page class:<BR><BR> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemwebuipageclassregisterhiddenfieldtopic. aspYou seem to be missing a declaration for the button.<BR>Try opening the page with VStudio and double clicking the button in the designer, this should add the declaration and bring you to the code view.<BR><BR>Inherits Page<BR>Public strDBID As TextBox<BR>Public msg As Label<BR>>>>Protected WithEvents submit As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button<BR><BR><BR>-A