Im trying to get some values from the below xml feed\[code\] <?xml version="1.0" ?><SEARCH> <LOCATION> <NAME>Terrance</NAME> <COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY> </LOCATION><FOUND> <TOTALOFOUND> <TOTAL>3</TOTAL> </TOTALOFOUND> <PLACE> <ADDRESS>IL Road</ADDRESS> <NAME>shop1</NAME> <POSTCODE>5</POSTCODE> <CATIM> <SMALL>ILR.jpg</SMALL> <MEDIUM>ILR1.jpg</MEDIUM> <DESCRIPTION>feeds</DESCRIPTION> </CATIM> <BUILD>this is the first test xml feed</BUILD> <ID>1235</ID> <DIST> <LAT>25</LAT> <LONG>547</LONG> </DIST> </PLACE> <PLACE> <ADDRESS>Peter Road</ADDRESS> <NAME>textas</NAME> <POSTCODE>987</POSTCODE> <CATIM> <SMALL>test.jpg</SMALL> <MEDIUM>test1.jpg</MEDIUM> <DESCRIPTION>feeds new</DESCRIPTION> </CATIM> <BUILD>this is the second test xml feed</BUILD> <ID>1235</ID> <DIST> <LAT>25</LAT> <LONG>547</LONG> </DIST> </PLACE> <PLACE> <ADDRESS>Thsi is the 3rd st</ADDRESS> <NAME>utah</NAME> <POSTCODE>9117</POSTCODE> <CATIM> <SMALL>utah.jpg</SMALL> <MEDIUM>utah1.jpg</MEDIUM> <DESCRIPTION>feeds new 3</DESCRIPTION> </CATIM> <BUILD>this is the third test xml feed</BUILD> <ID>000000</ID> <DIST> <LAT>000</LAT> <LONG>54000</LONG> </DIST> </PLACE> </FOUND></SEARCH>\[/code\]I have used the following code to grab the values\[code\]<?phpstrings = file_get_contents("feed.xml");$xml=simplexml_load_string($strings);foreach ($xml as $place){echo "Total : ".$place->TOTALOFOUND->TOTAL."<br />";echo "address: ".$place->PLACE->ADDRESS."<br />";echo "Name : ".$place->PLACE->NAME."<br />";echo "post code: ".$place->PLACE->POSTCODE."<br />";echo "Small image: ".$place->PLACE->CATIM->SMALL."<br />";echo "Medium Image: ".$place->PLACE->CATIM->MEDIUM."<br />";echo "Descripton: ".$place->PLACE->CATIM->DESCRIPTION."<br />";echo "Office ID: ".$place->PLACE->ID."<br />";echo "Cord Lat: ".$place->PLACE->DIST->LAT."<br />";echo "Cord Long: ".$place->PLACE->DIST->LONG."<br />"."<br />";}?>\[/code\]the problem is that although i have 3 records in the xml it shows only the first results. and at the beginning it gives the below error. Can some one please help me\[code\]Total :address:Name ost code:Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\site\test.php on line 16Small image:Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\site\test.php on line 17Medium Imageescripton:Office ID:Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\site\test.php on line 20Cord Lat:Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\site\test.php on line 21Cord Long:Total : 3address: IL RoadName : shop1post code: 5Small image: ILR.jpgMedium Image: ILR1.jpgDescripton:Office ID: 1235Cord Lat: 25Cord Long: 547\[/code\]any help will be much appreciatedthanks