Problems designing for IE on Mac


Hi, <br />
Does anyone know if there is any emulator so that I can test how a site will look on IE running on a Mac, or any other Mac browser? <br />
Would you know what's the percentage of Internet users running IE on a Mac, or using other Mac browser? <br />
I really need to know that. <br />
Thanks<!--content-->I would say the percentage is extremly low first look at how many mac users there are. I would say a lot of them eather use netscape 6 or 7 or mozilla but thats just my idea and I cant prove it.<!--content-->I use IE5.2 and a Mac so let me see your work and I'll test it for you.<br />
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Most Mac users use IE5 actually. Netscape is a bit of a dog sao do not worry about that.<br />
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I would say that something like 5% of usres ( and climbing) are Mac Heads.<br />
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Try conectixfor an emulater.<br />
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Cheers<br />
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Webdesignlab<!--content-->Hey,<br />
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As far as the number of Mac users, I look at it this way:<br />
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While the stats show the Mac community to have about 5% of the internet viewing audience, which seems small, consider this:<br />
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Macs have been around since 1984, and Apple ships almost 3 million of them per year. This means, realistically, that there could be between 25 and 50 million viewers online using a Mac (I tried to take into account people buying multiple machines, etc). This, in my opinion, is far to large an audience for the professional designer to ignore.<br />
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Next up, Macs currently, and have for some time, ship with IE5.2.2 on them. This means that the majority of Mac users are still probably using this browser. Apple recently designed, well..., is still designing a browser, called Safari. When it is done it will be extremely standards complient. Considering Mircocrap is discontinuing IE for the Mac I am assuming this will become the most dominant Mac browser.<br />
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On Mac you can also get NN, Opera, Mozilla, Omniweb, etc.<br />
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As someone above already checked your site on a Mac I won't do so, but I hope the above info was helpful!<br />
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