Problems Creating Dynamic Table Rows


New Member
I am trying to dynamically generate some rows inside a table dynamically. In the old ASP I would just place the script tags where I wanted and go through a loop response.writing the rows required.<BR>What is the equivalent in ASP+? handles things slightly different. Read some tutorials and learn about the datagrid and repeater controls. Basically everything is databound. It allows you to seperate code from content and its much easier. Just requires a small learning curve from classic asp.One of the first questions in my head when it comes to ASP.NET was 'Can this possibly be more flexible than classic ASP?', I liked the idea of inserting ASP code within HTML, I could think of nothing more flexible for customising a website.<BR><BR>ASP.NET starts to make more and more sense the more you read about it and try different examples. The datagrid control has an attribute known as AUTOGENERATECOLUMNS = FALSE. This specifies that you wish to create your own custom template for representing the data. Read up more on the datagrid control and using the <ItemTemplate> tags. That should be customiseable enough for you.<BR><BR>