Problems and questions


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I have google ads on my site. However, the my site is a membership community, so I'm assuming, the googlebots can't see the content because the need for php session cookies. This is causing the google ads to be totally irrelevant to the content of my site. How can I fix this? Can I specifically ask for a certain type of content from google? I figured out that if I put some content before the secure script is called, robots will pick that up. If I was to make invisible content to the viewer but the robots could see it, would that get me in trouble if the content IS the exact same visible content that is viewable in the protected part of the page? I'm thinking of using <!-- -->, or font same color as background, or any other idea I can come across.If you use hidden text I do believe you could get in some serious trouble from Google (as in they would ban your account). I recommend emailing Google and finding out what you can do - they have pretty quick response times.Champak wrote:Thanks for the feedback. Google oddly enough wasn't any help.Bompa wrote:If your site have a lot of visitors, you can upgrade to premiun adsense.In Premium Adsense you can inform Google what keyword you wanna be displayed...What's your site's address?There has to be a better solution Champak wrote: