problems aligning text inside table cell when different styles attached to text


hello now im having troubles with aligning text nicely within one table cell. the heading of this table cell is linked and therefor has a different style attached to it as the rest of the text (css style) and the remaining text, the explanatory text has another style again (and not linked) and this is causing troubles somehow. instead of the "body" text to follow on the next line after the heading there is a huge space between the heading and the body text, the body text aligned at the bottom of the table cell while the heeading is on top. how do i get rid of that annoying space in between? havent even put a <br> tag in there!<!--content-->Could you please post the code here? :)<!--content-->of course here it is!<!--content-->it does some funny stuff when viewed here, better just have a looko at it in a text editor, donno why it goes nuts otherwise<!--content-->What the hell is all this... I have had a look and what a mess.<br />
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First of all could you do me a favour, open your code in notepad and save it as a text file so that there are no problems when I Download <!--more--> it.<br />
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Your first major problem is a missing </tr> just before your first </table><br />
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So your next problem is why the hell is this table 1500 pixels wide? Is the a good reason?<br />
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As for the rest... I have had a look but I only have netscape 4.x at work and has probs with CSS, so I will do the rest when I get home in the morning.<br />
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By for now... try and save that file for me in notepad as *.txt, or even better get a copy online for me.<!--content-->easy entimp.... the fix was easy.<br />
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you want the text on the next line right after the link? well you say you didn't add a <br>, well hate to tell you that you did.<br />
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<p class="norm"><br />
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take that out and it works just fine. the <p> is a block level element and will add 2 line breaks.<!--content-->Don't know about you, but I found that so hard to read... did you get aprrox 25 /tab things in there? As well as other bits? I did, something wrong in the Download <!--more--> if I was the only one.<br />
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Anyway... Was I right about the <tr> tag. Would be nice to think someone else saw it and it wasn't my eyes at 3am.<!--content-->Scout! if i take the <p> out im losing the css definition for the text, how do i add style to the text then? simple html definitions does not give the full advantage since u cannot give the text size accurately for instance. is the only way then to make it an image to get it exactly as u want it?<br />
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Entimp! ur so rite! the code is so messy (ups my first web page and my boyfriend already called me a loser!) now u gonna laugh, the table size i put to 1500 since i wanted to make sure its full sized on everybodys screen. ok, the right way to that is simply making it 100% but how do u then avoid the table to shrink when the user is making the browser window smaller, then it looks funny too. well on netscape 4 something my html looks like a nightmare!<br />
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here is the thing aved as a text file....<br />
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thank u guys fro ur time, gosh i wish we could live in the same city, i would take u out for dinner! u nerds need to get out sometimes also!<!--content-->ok replace the <p> tag with <span></span>. Span isn't a block element so you can do it this way. Look up the definition of span at W3C if you get the time.<br />
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As for making the table fill the page, replace 1500 with "100%". Try to put all your numerical data for widths and heights in " " if you can.<br />
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As for loser, nahhh, don't be silly you are doing fine, as for the html I saw I thoguht you were fairly experianced, due to your use of CSS. That is a compliment by the way... stick at it.Nerds, LMAO, man I have a cracker of a hangover... maybe I should take you out and show you how a nerd has a good time... Damn those girls gave me a run for my money last night.<br />
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You know you girls should really by your own drinks ;)<!--content-->you are still missing a </tr> between lines 37 and 38.<br />
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:)<!--content-->ok yes entimp I got the /tab and /par all over the place. thank god for text replace ;)<br />
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and yes you are missing a </tr> in the second table. also you can't do this <td "line-height: 1px" as it isn't doing anyhting. put it in a class in your css if you want.<br />
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<table width=1500 height=110 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 border=0><br />
<tr><td width=1500 height=90 bgcolor=#ffffff colspan=9></td></tr><br />
<!--menu//><br />
<tr><td bgcolor=#ffffff align=middle height=20 width=100><a href=>yhti?lt;/a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff align=middle width=100><a href=>ratkaisut</a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff align=middle width=100><a href=>tuotteet</a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff align=middle width=100><a href=>rekrytointi</a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff align=middle width=100><a href=>ota yhteytt?lt;/a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff width=100><a href=>&nbsp;</a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff align=middle width=100><a href=>in english</a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff align=middle width=100><a href=>p?svenska</a></td><br />
<td bgcolor=#ffffff width=699><a href=>&nbsp;</a></td><br />
</tr></table><br />
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also don't you know us nerds have a better time then normal people :P dharma you are doing great so far just a couple of things you need to edit and we all make mistakes.<!--content-->