Problem with vbseo


New Member
i ve installed vbseo .. n list my sitemap on google but google don't show links like poetry/35-my-collection-new-post.html .. n i vent config the ROBOT.txt

can some one out there like always will help me ;D?
ok 1. what you said made hardly any sense.
2. with your vbSEO do you have a .htaccess file in your forum root?
3. is the re-write rule even activated in vbSEO?
everything is perfect at vbseo problem is i ve got vbseo google/yahoo sitemap generator..
done with that[about installation not the problem :P]
but there is a problem :P during listing/searching my site at google/yahoo it don't consist of links like "my site . com/poetry/35-my-collection-new-post.html" got it?
so your telling me that google after you installed vbseo, google still havent re-indexed your site with your new URL's. just be patient
if you submit sitemaps with the new URL's to google, it should speed up the process.
submit them in your google webmaster tools
i ve submit it with new urls through google webmaster but the problem is :\ it don't include my new urls it show old [ about old urls, i haven't ever listed it yet :p ] i even updated site map through vbseo google/yahoo site map " GENERATE SITE MAP " but still its showing nothing about it .. i.e my site contains mobile stuff.. when i try to search to get my site by i.e " s60v3 c0deblack "
c0deblack my site's name n s60v3 :) related to mobile it even donot list the threads :(((( [ the new .html links of thread is even listed in SITEMAP ]
THERE IS ANOTHER THING THAT MAY THIS PROBLEM OCCURS FOR THAT CAUSE.. :| i listed my site in google [ through webmaster tool/sitemap ] when my Site wasn't viewable to guest [ it don't show the threads to guest... ] but i just turned it to visible to guest but still same problem :( .. and one more thing I HAVENT CONFIGURE ROBOT.TXT [ it don't exist in my site DIR ]
Most of the time, google doesn't crawl your site through the front door, but rather uses your sitemap as a basis for their indexing. The only time they come through the front door is when they're caching your site, so even if your site is closed to unregistered users, Google will still "see" your site through the sitemaps.

You don't necessarily need a robots.txt file unless there are some areas of your forum you don't want to be indexed. The only consequence of not having one will be the entries in your error log when the bots look for them and don't find them.
Grinderhand said:
Most of the time, google doesn't crawl your site through the front door, but rather uses your sitemap as a basis for their indexing. The only time they come through the front door is when they're caching your site, so even if your site is closed to unregistered users, Google will still "see" your site through the sitemaps.

You don't necessarily need a robots.txt file unless there are some areas of your forum you don't want to be indexed. The only consequence of not having one will be the entries in your error log when the bots look for them and don't find them.

And now you mean to say no WAY to the solution of this problem? [have been patient :p for soo long time .. nothings change]
What I mean to say is that Google move slowly. You're expecting things to change in hours, but changes on Google takes DAYS, sometimes as long as a week. Don't expect results overnight.