Problem with restricting image sizes


For some reason my forum will not ristrict the image pixel size no matter when i type in. As for the actual size in kb im not sure if that works either because i dont know the filesizes of images. But how can i fix this?<!--content-->
Lebleu,<br /><br />I know that you're using phpBB, so I went to their <a href="" target="_blank">online documentation</a> and found the following potential explanation:<br /><br /><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Maximum Avatar File Size - You may specify the maximum size of uploaded avatars on your board.  The size specified is measured in Bytes, and the default is 6144 (6 kB) <br /><br />Maximum Avatar Dimensions - You may specify the maximum dimesions for uploaded avatar images on your board.  The size specified is in pixels, and the default is 80 x 80.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />Please note that they specifically state these dimensions/sizes are for <b>uploaded</b> avatars, <b>not hotlinked </b>avatars.<br /><br />So the av's that you are trying to limit, are they being hotlinked by chance?<br /><br />Lianna<!--content-->
PAiN from your board, for example, has a great av of a weather magnet from the Depths where it is said to be snowing. That's creative. It's hotlinked. Right click on his avatar in the Membership Profile. Select Properties from the shortcut menu and you'll see an off-site URL listed as its source.<br /><br />Lianna<br /><br />Edit**Factly, as I cruise through your membership list, every one that I looked at was hotlinked.<!--content-->
yea thats right i never noticed how u were only able to restrict uploaded, BUT i have been to forums where they prevent me from hotlinking avatars that break the restrictions so it is possible its just a question of how?<!--content-->