Problem with popup windows on exit


Staff member
Hi, I am Robert. I have been desperatelly strugling with the following Java Script problem:

I was told to create a pupup questionnaire that is to open in a separate popup window only when a user exits or leaves the current web page. That means if user either closes the browser window or presses the back button or types a different URL.

I have partially done so but when I browse inside the web page ( I mean whenever I click on links on this web page) the popup comes on each time ... and I DO NOT WANT IT POPPING UP each time I click on a link.

AND 1 more thing: I need this to work perfect under IE4,5 & 6 also for NS 5 & 6

Is there a command like onExit which should ensure that if the current URL is changed or left it triggers the popup???


Robert :confused: