Problem with PHP Post Data


New Member
If anyone could help me with the problem I'm having I would be one happy programmer. I'm working on an e-commerce site that is having trouble authenticating with the gateway. This problem just start randomly on a site that had been working for years. This suggest to me that either the host made a change / update to it's PHP configuration or some other configuration setting was changed by the client.Here is an image of the problem in Fiddler:
You can see in the areas I have in a red box the values have extra characters (i.e. instead of just "59.00" it is "59.00\n73\n". I have no clue where these extra characters are coming from. The previous page (order preview) uses the same values and they display fine; however, this final page (confirm order) has the extra crap.Any ideas?For those that wanted it, here is the code in a nutshell:Here is the codeon the order preview page you have the following in a form using POST:\[code\]<input type="hidden" name="CCType" value="">\[/code\]and the on the order confirm page (the page you see in fiddler above):\[code\]$CCType = $HTTP_POST_VARS['CCType'];<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="x_Card_Type" VALUE="<?=trim($CCType)?>">\[/code\]basically, page 1 says variable = value. The variable then moves to page 2 via the post and page 2 outputs the value stored in the variable.I see the answer posted below and I'll investigate that.