Problem with pagination - no success yet


New Member
Hey guys I am really messing up with this.This is I'm doing: If there are 100 users to fetch from Database, I'm using pagination and showing 10 users at a time. when user will click on next page, he will get next 10 users through ajax(called ajax on click) and so on. I'm showing 10 page-links right now with first, next last and previous links.This is how flow will go: On a.php created links and called ajax function with every link, passing url(b.php) & target(where I will get result), with url also passing clicked pageno., this pageno. will go to b.php and next 10 users will be shown with the help of ajax.This is the problem: Currently I'm showing 1-10 links with first and last links, unable to show next and previous links because to redirect to next or previous, I am not getting the current page number on a.php i.e i'm passing to b.php. also links are created in foreach loop.I am trying hard to get this done, but no success yet.waiting for valuable reply.