problem with Page_Validators...


New Member
I set up a simple .net page. I populate a select box with users and then have add,edit and delete buttons that call upon server subs (in VB.Net) that perform redirects to different pages. I originally developed the page(s) on my localHost and got everything working just fine. I just uploaded the pages to my friend's server and whenever a user clicks a button that has some action attached to it, it gives a run-time error that says:<BR> Line:126<BR> Error:'Page_Validators' is undefined<BR>What's up with this? I don't even user validation controls on this page. Thanks for the help.Ok, after much experimentation I have found the solution to the problem, but not the cause. For some reason the page was automatically referencing the Page class's Validators collection, which was undefined because I wasn't doing any validation on the page. When I validated the select box (which is always going to have a value so it was rather redundent to do if not for the error), it stopped throwing the error. Why would the page reference the validators collection if I wasn't referencing it in the code? Some sort of system setting?