Problem with netscape 4 and, help please.


New Member
I am creating a web site which have a dhtml drop-down menu. everything works fine, exept when in netscape 4 which, when I scroll, replace all my text with squares!<BR>If I get rid of the dhtml menu, it starts working fine again.<BR><BR>I am not quite sure what the problem is, but it seems to be linked to the file extension, or maybe to the way the .net server serves the page to netscape. Indeed, the same file, with just plain html and javascript, will work with an htm extension, but not with an aspx extension.<BR><BR>I don't know what to do now, I found a reference to this problem on microsoft site (BETA-PRB: Netscape Navigator 4.x Displays Square Boxes on Redraw When You View ASP.NET Pages (Q309548)"), but the page page it links to is not found.<BR><BR>Any help will be greatly apreciated.For anybody interested, the problem seems to come from the ascx which I am using all over my template. When there is any such kind of include in my aspx (ssi, ascx and custom controls), and a dhtml menu, netscape 4 becomes completely crazy. Hope they fix it for the final release. BTW, I have only tested 2 menus, so it might just work fine with others, but I doubt.<BR><BR>