I'm using MagpieRSS to parse a Craigslist feed. The "title" field is: \[quote\] ***BUYING ALL BRAND NEW BLACKBERRY IN ANY QUANTITY BOLD~JAVELLIN~ONYX (Gramercy) $100000\[/quote\]and I'm using\[code\]if( preg_match( "/\(*\)*\d+$/", $title, $matches ) )\[/code\]to figure out the price. \[code\]$matches[0]\[/code\] should have the price, if I'm not mistaken. However, when I put it in my MySQL table (DOUBLE datatype), it comes in as 100. It seems to only take the first 3 digits after the $. I've run this through \[code\]preg_match\[/code\] checkers all over the web, but nada.Any thoughts?