Problem with margins


In netscape navigator 4.x my height0,width0 margin does not work. Is there way to fix this? The site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Hello tony10<br />
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You have to put following attribute in your body tag <br />
<body marginwidth="0", marginheight="0", topmargin="0", leftmargin="0", rightmargin="0" background="images/urimage.gif"><br />
<br />
You try this. I am sure it will work on Netscape too.<br />
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AMruta..<!--content-->I dont think those work but I will try them anyway, perhaps the XHTML 1.0 Version of it will work.<!--content-->hie!<br />
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i'm not shure, but i think that u met this netscape's scrollbars <br />
(if u mean margins on the right & bottom, that have scroller's size (for about 16-18 px))<br />
well, if i'm right,<br />
i met this problem & i can tell u, that sometimes u can get rid of'em by playin with table's cells's width & height - try it<br />
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or u can make frameset with the only frame & set scrolling=no<br />
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check this:<br />
<br />
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regards, vic<!--content-->As far as I know, there is no way of overriding the standard body margins in NS 4.x.<br />
At least, I have never accomplished this, either by using CSS or body attributes, so I've just given up. <br />
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By adding:<br />
BODY {<br />
margin-top: 0pt;<br />
margin-right: 0pt;<br />
margin-left: 0pt;<br />
}<br />
to your style, the margins will be removed in NS 6<br />
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By the way, you should put your styles in a separate CSS file to make updating easier.<br />
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-aslefo<br />
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PS: you could make it a bit less obvious by removing the background image (index_08.gif) from your menu at the left. It just adds extra Download <!--more--> time for no reason anyway.<!--content-->