Problem with mapping!!!


Hi<br />
<br />
Is it possible to use more than one map in a web page??<br />
(ie, mappping for two different images.)<br />
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Also how can I find out the co-ordinates on a page?? I am not been able to find out the co-ordinates for the mapping.<br />
Is there any method to check the co-ordinates from where I can give mapping??? or can i set a border for mapping?? <br />
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shara<!--content-->Originally posted by shanuragu <br />
Is it possible to use more than one map in a web page??<br />
(ie, mappping for two different images.)Yes. Just give them different names.<br />
Also how can I find out the co-ordinates on a page??You can use the onClick event in the AREA statement to get the coordinates for the mouse.<br />
or can i set a border for mapping??Do you mean when you build a map? There are HTML editors like DreamWeaver that have functions to create a client-side map.<!--content-->HI<br />
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here is the code for mapping <br />
<br />
<tr><br />
<td colspan="2"><img src="images/menu_support.gif" border="0" usemap="#Map1"></td><br />
</tr><br />
<br />
<br />
<map name="Map1"><br />
<area shape="rect" coords="283,74,320,88" href="asp/orderstatus.asp" alt="Order Status"><br />
<area shape="rect" coords="359,74,418,88" href="Download <!--more-->s.html" alt="Download <!--more-->s"><br />
<area shape="rect" coords="452,74,496,88" href="technical.html." alt="Technical Help"><br />
<area shape="rect" coords="539,74,596,88" href="support_faq.html" alt="FAQ"><br />
</map><br />
<br />
No mapping is happening here. Why???<br />
how can use onclick event here???<br />
shara<!--content-->Please post a link so we can see the image.<!--content-->that's alright, I managed to get the co-ordinates by opening the page in Front page.<br />
thank you<br />