problem with javascript loadrss


New Member
as I know we can plug-in the loadress on the page <body>

like <body onload="loadrss('')">

but I wanna to make it loading more than 1 xml at the same time is there a possible way to make it?

also I have a question about it
<a href="javascript:loadrss(<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:8080/blog/feed.asp?cat=8">http://localhost:8080/blog/feed.asp?cat=8</a><!-- m -->);">heyhey</a>
I click it is working

but I wrote it in the following way is not working anymore(it wont show out anything):
<script language="javaScript" src="http://localhost:8080/blog/feed.asp?cat=8"></script>

do I miss the loadrss part? if so what should I do :( :( :(