Problem with google analytics


New Member
Hi friends. this is my website, i have added google analytics code yesterday, still Google does not track my website, i dont know the reason, can anybody tell me. Google analytics shows "tracking not installed"..
i am waiting for ur replies. Check first where you past tracking code I mean at right place you have pasted or not,then wait for 24 hrs at least because analytic track the web after 24 hrs. Firstly check that you have insert code on your website correctly.
After that as Google analytics only shows statistics every 24 hours, you should wait 24 hours to see it's statistics. It happen some time.
Click edit next to your site name in Analytic and in next page click check status.
is it showing tracking Installed sucessfully ? If yes then cheers else try to install it again after removing old code.
Put the code just before </HEAD> check the code correctly? and then every thing is OK? waitting for 24hr
it does not happen to you only. 48 hours ago I tried to submit Google Analytics to my website and it does not work.

It was mentioned, that it takes up to 24 hours, but not 2 days or longer.

Someone has an idea, why?
