Problem with form


Staff member
Hi, <br />
Im new here so dont get mad if this is posted in the wrong category. <br />
Im having some problems latly with my forms. The prob is when i hit the send button it doesnt send the form but instead it opens outlook with a new blank page(mail). I asked some friends to test it and the same hapened to them. When i made a form a few months ago for another site it was working perfecly, but now i went back to check it again and the same thin hapens as with the new form. Only thing i can think of is that it has somming to do with windows xp or IE6. I installed thm recently but that doesnt explane why my friends have the same prob. Also i dont c a prob in the source. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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Any sugestions?<br />
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Thanx in advance<!--content-->That's exactly how a form with the coding <form name="Report broken link" action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post"> is meant to work - see the "mailto:" It's meant to open your (or your users') email program to send the form.<br />
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To send it any other way you'll need to use a server-side script such as FormMail from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> To use that you'll need to be using a webhost that allows you to install cgi scripts.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->Thx for ur reply. U say its normal outlook opens when i hit the send button. But shouldnt there be a attachment included then with a .ATT extension? Cuz it aint. I just get a blank page with no attachments included. If only i knew CGI :s<!--content-->Hi Spud<br />
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a form working with an external CGI of Baboonshop could help.<br />
The form i use is in the attachment.<br />
There is also a validate in it and a next: thank you page.<br />
:rocker:<!--content-->Try to add this to the form element: enctype="text/plain"<br />
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It should work.<!--content-->THX ppl;)<!--content-->I have read over this thread and I am not too sure if your question has been properly answered. SPUD, have you chosen to use a server side script? Has the ''' enctype="text/plain" ''' fixed the problem?<br />
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If not, I will gladly write you up a server side script and if needed, I will let you run it remotely from my server.<br />
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Let me know.....<!--content-->