Problem with div order using ISML in Netscape

Here's a problem I am having with Netscape 4.7. I am pulling a template file for my page using this code:<br />
<ISML TYPE="file" SRC="/template/template.txt"><br />
<br />
I am using div's, so when I have the template div stacked below the body div, it works fine. However, I need the template div on top of the body div (the way the template is designed, has some pop up div's), but Netscape does not like this. It pulls the body div fine, then when it pulls the template div, the body div disappears. If you scroll over the "features" or "archives" button you will see why I need them to be this way. If anyone has any clue about a fix I would be very grateful.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (template above body, what I want, but body table disappears)<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (body above template, works, but not what I want, can't see pop up divs)<!--content-->hmmm....I'm not gonna be the best at trouble shooting a problem of this nature but in looking at your code I see there are two complete sets of webdoc tags being loaded into one page? You have doc type tags twice, html and body tags twice, meta tags twice... that can't be kosher.<br />
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Have you tried removing all the extra tags and seeing if that helps? <br />
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Kevin<!--content-->That did it. I was cutting and pasting so much, I lost track of what I was doing. Thanks a bunch from an HTML scrub.<!--content-->Originally posted by brjoll99 <br />
That did it. I was cutting and pasting so much, I lost track of what I was doing. Thanks a bunch from an HTML scrub. <br />
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you're welcome Mom ;)<!--content-->In my excitement I didn't notice that none of the links to the files in the table work in Netscape. Aargh. I got rid of all the extra tags as far as I could see and nothing else looked crazy, but obviously I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Please help a pathetic individual before he goes insane...<!--content-->