Problem with CSS and Word


I have an iMac and I used Word to open my HTML files.

Lately, since I added CSS to my website, I often get the message

Problems came up in the following areas during load:
Missing File: iMac HD:Users:Julie.... /style.css

The stylesheet is not missing and in fact works properly on my website. There is no pattern as to when or with which html file I get this message. Basically, when I get the file, it freezes Word and won't open the file. Then if I do a forced quit, I get another message saying Word encountered a corrupt file, etc...

Does anyone have any ideas why I might be having this problem? is it likely something I have in my CSS file which is causing the problem or an iMac/Word problem in general with reading CSS files?try using something like iNotePad or a text editor istead of a word processor. i dont use a mac, but googled for a good text editor. try some out for your machine and see if that makes things easier. if you know its there and you know your code is right something is probably up with word.Good Idea. I'll try that. Thank you!