Problem with Color


Hi, I had a discussion with my client and he told me that on his computer he doesn't get the same color resolution as on my computer. I showed him the design on my laptop and he was shocked and said 'it looks a lot better on my laptop then mine'. can someone tell me what color they see (i'm talking mostly about the light blue color) and whether #0665a5 color is an appropriate color to use.<br />
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Need major help<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->My guess is the clients computer, laptop or otherwise, is set to a different color depth than yours. The difference between 256 (8 bit) and 16 bit or higher can be significant. There is also a wide range of quality in display output from computer to computer even with the settings all the same. Video cards and monitors (just like TVs) do not all look the same. Even a persons particular vision will have a greater or lesser effect on how they see things.<br />
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My rule of thumb is, look at your pages in 16 bit color depth to make sure they look good and view them in 256 color depth only to make sure they don't look really bad. Unless you must create images that are called "websafe" I would stick with 24 bit color for JPG images and whatever format GIF or PNG you find gives the best results between quality and file size. <br />
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There is nothing at all wrong with using #0665a5 which is a medium shade of blue. <br />
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Regards,<br />
kevin<!--content-->you mean this color?<br />
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maybe he is set at 256 color mode on his computer, when it should be 16bit high color or 24 bit<!--content-->Scoutt: yes that color.<br />
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I guess you guys might be right...i think it's his computer...and i told him that so he's going to change the setting and view it at a local college computer.<br />
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thanks guys. i really appreciate the support here. and i'm trying to give back to other members here as much as possible.<!--content-->