problem with background


The page I am having trouble with is at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
For some reason when it loads it shows the background, but not the background color. When I hit refresh the background color shows up. I don't know what could be causing this.<br />
I'd appreciate any help that anyone can give me.<br />
Thanks.<!--content-->It works for me, what browser are you using?<!--content-->im using ie 6.0<br />
just to clarify i can see the pic of the rocket. i just cant see the red background (it looks white on mine) until i refresh<!--content-->What I would do is give your main content div the image background and set the background of your page to red (if you really think that red is the best color).<!--content-->not to be a complete idiot, but what do you mean by div the image?<!--content-->Change this <DIV align= left> to <div align="left" style="background:URL(big.jpg) no-repeat center"><!--content-->