Problem with anchors (Netscape 4.79)


Staff member
Don't ask why I have to support Net4.79 - I just have to. The following problem does not occur in IE 5.5<br />
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Basically I have a link to a named anchor that loads in a new window, i.e.:<br />
<br />
<a href="../glossary.html#course_management" onClick=",'glossary','height=300,width=600,left=20,top=20,status=yes ,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');glossary.focus();return false;" target=glossary>course management system</a><br />
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Then, in glossary.html I have:<br />
<br />
<td valign="top" bgcolor="white"><a name="course_management"><em>Course management system</em></a></td><br />
<br />
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There are hundres of links throught this site like this. A number of things occur in Netscape 4.79:<br />
1) It goes to where its supposed to - perfect<br />
2) It goes there, but slightly below it - about an entire line<br />
3) It goes there, but half-way into the text - i.e. about 5-10 pixels?<br />
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This is totally random. Any clues? Is this a known problem in Netscape 4.79?<!--content-->At least I don't like your code at all, try this one:<br />
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<a href="#" onClick="'../glossary.html#course_management', '_blank', 'height=300,width=600,left=20,top=20,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;">course management system</a><!--content-->k - tried that. as usual, works in IE 5.5, but still the same results in Netscape 4.79<!--content-->Note that if I remove the javascript entirely, the link works fine!<br />
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The javscript needs to be accessible. It was built using a tool on (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... erator.asp</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->do you have a link that shows this? I can't see the javascript doing anything like that.<!--content-->