Problem with allignment


I've got a problem that I just can't figure out. On my website, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, on the main page and on the "About Us" page, the text has shifted slightly to the left about a paragraph down. If I refresh the screen, it lines up fine. I've scoured over the code, but don't see the problem. Can anybody help? I'd appreciate any comments on the matter. Thank you very much.<!--content-->I didnt see anything wrong with it. Are you still having this problem?<!--content-->Yeah, I still have the problem. What browser are you using? I'm using IE.<!--content-->Yea im using ie, what is your resolution im at 1024 by 786.<!--content-->I'm at 800 x 600, but I just took a look at it at your resolution and I got the same thing. The 2nd paragraph and down is shifted slightly to the left. I don't know if it's a code problem or browser problem now. I'll keep looking. Thanks for your help though. If you can't see it, than it leads me to believe it's my browser. Thank you.<!--content-->OK, I'm an idiot. I just rebooted my computer and my problem went away. I apologize for waisting your time. You wouldn't happen to know of a way to make my webpages scroll like a framed page, would you? I'd like the page to scroll and disappear under the horizontal rule. Is this possible? Just thought I'd ask. Thanks again.<!--content-->Originally posted by Sje5 <br />
You wouldn't happen to know of a way to make my webpages scroll like a framed page, would you? I'd like the page to scroll and disappear under the horizontal rule. <br />
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Something like this you mean?<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Originally posted by Sje5 <br />
You wouldn't happen to know of a way to make my webpages scroll like a framed page, would you?Why not use a frame?<!--content-->Stefan,<br />
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That's pretty close, but rather to have the "whole lower part" disappear under the top part. I also looked at the code and am not sure how to intigrate it into my website. I'm kinda learning as I go. Thank you.<!--content-->Hi Pyro,<br />
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The website started out framed, but I was worried it wouldn't be crawled by the robots/spiders, so I changed it. I sure liked the effect though.<!--content-->Originally posted by Sje5 <br />
Stefan,<br />
That's pretty close, but rather to have the "whole lower part" disappear under the top part. <br />
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You mean the scrollbar should start at the top and the content should be partially covered up?<br />
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I also looked at the code and am not sure how to intigrate it into my website. I'm kinda learning as I go. Thank you. <br />
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It's not really that difficoult.<br />
It's just a div absolutepositioned and JavaScript to work around some IE bugs. Pretty simple stuff really.<br />
It could actually get some polishing up in regard to accessibility, especially when it comes to displaing in IE when JS in off, but I just whipped it up as a proof of concept for someone and didn't spend much time with the details.<!--content--><You mean the scrollbar should start at the top and the content should be partially covered up? ><br />
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No, you had it right now that I look at it again.<br />
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<It's not really that difficoult. <br />
It's just a div absolutepositioned and JavaScript to work around some IE bugs. Pretty simple stuff really. <br />
It could actually get some polishing up in regard to accessibility, especially when it comes to displaing in IE when JS in off, but I just whipped it up as a proof of concept for someone and didn't spend much time with the details.><br />
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I really appreciate the tips and will see if I can cut and paste it right. I barely know HTML, but have been lucky enough to tweak things here and there to get the job done. I'm not exactly sure how to place the div absolutepositioned in my code, but will tinker with it. Thanks you.<!--content-->Originally posted by Sje5 <br />
I really appreciate the tips and will see if I can cut and paste it right. I barely know HTML, but have been lucky enough to tweak things here and there to get the job done. I'm not exactly sure how to place the div absolutepositioned in my code, but will tinker with it. <br />
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Let me explain what's happeing in a few words that will hopefully help you along the road.<br />
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The theory behind it is that we are placing a div absolute positioned without any size attached to it.<br />
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Instead we are defining how far from the screen borders each edge of the div is supposed to be by setting TOP, LEFT, BOTTOM & RIGHT values with CSS.<br />
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This is a realitivly simple operation and works well in most CSS browsers. As usual that excludes IE, which arbitrarily just applies the TOP and LEFT values and then consider itself finished, ignoring the RIGHT and BOTTOM values.<br />
To correct this error we use a small JavaScript that<br />
a) Checks the size of the screen<br />
b) Deducts the specified T/R/L/B values and then applies the specific sizes to the div creating the same appearance as if bottom and right were applied.<!--content-->I appreciate all the help Stefan, but I'm starting to realize that this type of effect is out of my league. I can do basic HTML, but I'm not very good at CSS and know absolutely nothing about Java Script. I do understand what you're talking about, but have no idea how to implement it. I appreciate your kindness and time. Thank you.<!--content-->Originally posted by Sje5 <br />
I do understand what you're talking about, but have no idea how to implement it. I appreciate your kindness and time. Thank you. <br />
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Well the code is available at the link and pretty much is a cut and paste thing.<br />
But of cource do what you feel comfortable with :)<!--content-->