Problem uploading animated avatars in 3.8.0


New Member
I'm having troubles uploading animated avatars in my forum.

I've made sure the avatars I'm trying to upload are suited to the dimensions and file sizes I've stated in my user groups, but they still fail to upload.

The one I've just tried to upload is 0.99MB, and 96 x 96 pixels.

But I get database error and it freezes my browser (Firefox AND IE). The only way to solve that problem is to CTRL, ALT, DEL- Then close the running process for the browser.

In my error reporting email address- I get an email like this when uploading of an animated avatar fails:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE customavatar SET
userid = 1,
dateline = 1237366696,
filename = 'Bean.gif',
width = 96,
height = 96,
filesize = 1023831,
filedata = 'GIF89a`\0`\0÷þ\0, .\Z 0 0 -7*9&%9(&?.,??0=@?F+%J+%I+(K2-M61K;:S95R:9Z:1o1)/*t0+{3,~31BB,FC0^E7_G=\\K?

And then about 10,000 lines of code like this:

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And belo that; this:

WHERE userid = 1;

MySQL Error : Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
Error Number : 1153
Request Date : Wednesday, March 18th 2009 @ 04:58:16 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 18th 2009 @ 04:58:16 AM
Script : vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support.
Referrer : vBTEAM Underground - Free vBulletin Hacks, Skins and Support.
Username : Admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community

What's causing this problem and how can I fix it?

This is the avatar I'm trying to upload:


Can anyone help me please?
Does nobody else have this error?

Please if you have a moment, can you try to upload this avatar to your forum and see if it works ok.

I'm unsure if it's a problem with VBulletin, or a problem with MY forum.