Problem: please help..


New Member
Hello, I'm having a problem here, not sure if its a problem really but I don't like it.

anyway when you click on a thread the user gets automatically redirected to the very last post of the first page. rather then seeing the first post of the thread.

Is there a way I can fix this problem? so that when you click on the thread, you see the first/original post? and not the last post...
Try going to:

AdminCP>>>vbulletin options>>>user registration options

Right at the bottom in the "Default Registration Options" section set
"Thread Display Mode" to:

linear - oldest first
Hi, my options are already set as is by default, but I still get the same effect. anything else I can do to fix this?
Are all the members getting this problem or just some?
if only some may be they have it set wrong.....members have the option to change this from their usercp under Edit Options.
Hi, Everyone is getting the same problem, it really doesn't bother them though. since I added that "Top" page hack.

anyway I guess it's a problem with my template style then. I just don't know where the problem is and where I can find it. It's in the show posts template. so maybe there is a faulty code somewhere around there?

have any other suggestions?