Problem of installing Visual Web Developer 2005


I tried to install Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition and twice I receive this same error (attachment). What's wrong? THanks.yeha i had the same issue at first. so i just re-downloaded it.After I have tried to re-download it, still got the same error mesg. Is there anything to do with my services (services.msc)? Because at one time, I disabled some services to tweak my pc's performance.And under error report contents, it says, The following files will be included in this error report:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\BITS.LOGI went to search and found 5 log files in my C:\Documents and Settings\cwngai\Local Settings\Temp\

I zip them up.i think that i resolved this by uninstalling the .net framework 2.0 and re-installing int.After I downloaded the iso file and burn into cd, I managed to install it at last. Now, I am starting my first hello world to test it out. Still trying to figure it out. Don't you tell me how, let me search about it myself first. :-)

When I use ASP last time, I just need a text editor, as simple as notepad. Now, seem like in VB world.

But, I think I shall figure it out soon by reading some sample and articles. Anyway, thanks afterburn