Problem in Opera 7.x

Hello All,<br />
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I'm new to this forum. I have developed a system based on Struts + EJB + jsp + servlet. However I 'm having torrid time in making my pages browser compatible(IE,NN and Opera). I'm facing a typical problem in Opera 7.23. I have a javascript code that works fine in IE and NN is not working on Opera.<br />
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The Javascript code sample:<br />
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The javascript code sample:<br />
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function changeVendor()<br />
{<br />
var form = document.forms[0];<br />
var vendorStr = form.vendor.value;<br />
form.vendoridentifier.value = vendorStr;<br />
form.action = "";<br />
form.submit();<br />
}<br />
This method is called by a javascript onchange event handler. When user selects a vendor - this method will forward the Action to STRUTS action which in turn will fill up the Vendor Address info in the form variables and redisplay the page. This code works perfectly fine for IE 6.x and NN 7.X but not on Opera 7.23. No matter how I play the trick - Opera refuses to go the required STRUTS action.<br />
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Any clue will be highly appreciated.<br />
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Thanking in advance.<!--content-->in JavaScript, "form" is a property, try "theForm", or something else<br />
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your function "changeVendor" make no sense<!--content-->Thanks for the reply. I have heeded to your advice but it didn't work. Moreover the same javascript is working fine for IE and NN.<!--content-->I intend to close this thread- with the message that the same code is now running in Opera 7.5 - and it seems to me that Opera 7.23 have some problem (BUG?)<!--content-->