Problem in netscape


Hi Guys,<br />
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I finally got part of my site up and looking "OK" in Netscape. One large problem I have is with a particular page causing Netscape to crash everytime.<br />
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If you go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> the let the flash play into the main page. From the main page click on the first pull down menu titled "Town Hall". Choose Council Minutes (In netscape) and watch as your netscape causes an illegal operation and shuts down. Now I know I did a horrible thing here because I used Word to open the minutes then saved it as a web page.....:( But at this point I have no choice because of timing for the site to go up. The funny thing is that if you check out Council Agenda under the same menu in Netscape.... it comes up fine. I have tried everything except hand coding it....which I am a novice any help you guys could give me would be appreciated.<br />
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Jason<!--content-->Have you even looked at the code? I's a total mess! It's using IE's XML and writing it in the page. IE5 and up read XML, but Netscape does not. Using Word or FrontPage are bad evil things!<br />
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First you have the opening tags repeating, then you repeat the css link and then have the css internaly. From there it gets truely awful. <br />
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Best learn how to use <p></p> tags and <h1></h1> tags and start simple. If you can't understand your code, no one else will either.<br />
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good luck!<!--content-->Originally posted by Jake9365 <br />
Now I know I did a horrible thing here because I used Word to open the minutes then saved it as a web page.....:( But at this point I have no choice because of timing for the site to go up.<br />
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one idea... try using notepad. make a new page with the table layout the same as it is now, copy and past each section to Note Pad, then transfer it back to the appropriate cell which will have NO formating options set. you can remove most of the bad code by transfering everything this way, and if you are using MS products for web publishing, use FP2000 (the only MS program that when configed the right way WONT destroy good code!)<br />
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it's all about ruling the World<br />