Problem in Database


Staff member
I am facing a very different problem in accessing the database..
I have a table called user_master in my db.This table contains three feilds called sub_id,username,and password.
I have entered soem records which are working fine while accessing them and the validation part is all working fine..
The problem which i am facing currently is that for some of the entries made recently through php forms have been entered in the database.When i fire a query saying that "Select * from user_master" the result set has these entries made by me.
for eg. if i entered a username as"rajesh" and password as "cepc"
the result is shown in the above query fired,but if i fire the same query with where clause like"Select * from user_master where username='rajesh'" then the result set is an empty set..
I am not able to understand this difference...
please try to solve this issue..
and suggest me possible solutions..
Thanx in anticipation..