Problem Importing


New Member
It shows I have 3 databases under mysql databases:
1. fbodymop_pbb01 (old forums)
2. fbodymop_pfc01 (old forums)
3. fbodymop_rc01 (old forums)

and Ive got 1 new databases that I created for my new vbulletin forums:
1. fbodymop_newvb01

on the impexconfig.php file I edited it with the new database pointing to: fbodymop_newvb01
and the old forum database pointing to:

How do I edit the impexconfig file so where the old forums section points to all 3 of my old forums databases?

Im also getting an error when I do the import modules that says:
Using includes/config.php for target config.

There seems to have been a problem with the database.

ImpEx Database errormysql error: Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM categories

mysql error: Table 'fbodymop_pbb01.categories' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Thursday 26th 2009f February 2009 02:11:02 PM
Database: fbodymop_pbb01
MySQL error: Table 'fbodymop_pbb01.categories' doesn't exist

Thanks in advance.