problem formating tables

i'm working on a layout concept for a site and have never had as much trouble with a damn table as i am with this site....with the default font my tables all line up correctly however when i change the font to arial it screws it up....look for yourselves<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> ... that's the original<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> ... that's the screwed one<br />
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What am i doing wrong?!?!?!!??<br />
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Thanks in advance<br />
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:confused: :confused: :confused:<!--content-->In your bottom right table, add <br>&nbsp; after the word locomotivs...<!--content-->i thought about that but it's still not aligned quite right....that fix puts that table out of alignment by about one i really shouldn't have to do that simply because i changed the font face.....any other ideas??<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->It's perfectly aligned for me in IE6 when I do that. The reason you need to do it once you chage the font is because you need both table to be the same height for them to align. You could possibly add height properties to the tables to fix this as well...<!--content-->i don't know what i did different the this time around i just copied and pasted again in the same spot and i now have the same result you do......thanks man i appreciate it.......sometimes the simple answers are staring you right in the face......<!--content-->