Problem For The Pro's


New Member
Ok guys I hope someone here has the answer for this, I have hit the wall with it.

User ranks

Attempted to create a rank for posts amounts 500 posts,1000 posts...etc etc.
Instead of a static icon I selected html and inserted swf script and upload the swf (flash) file to /images/ranks pathway.
Well it didnt work and showed the undesirable white area and of course now any members with that rank their posts and member displays are all screwed up.

So... I went to remove the rank and start over with something else but here is what I see in the admin panel where the rank is.........


it is not showing any "delete" or "edit or anything in the right colomn.

I need to be able to remove this rank. Is there and edit in ranks.php or index.php in the admincp ?????

I would very much appreciate any and all help.

Thanx in advance,


I figured out a solution. Went into myphpadmin and deleted the ranks from the db and then went to admincp and updated usertitles and ranks and all was resolved. I can now start over to build ranks again from scratch.

Thanks to those who read.
