Hi everyone
I have attached a simple html page that has one select pulldown in a form, and a button.
If you click on the button it changes the options in the pulldown list, just the way I want it to. That works fine.
What I cannot get to work is that when I update the list of options, I want it to select the first option (option 0).
After I fill in the option list I then set the selectedIndex of the select object and it does not fail, but does not put the selected option in the text portion of the pulldown.
I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what, could you help me please?
Thank you
var myArray = new Array (3);
var current = -1;
function AddSubCategory (name)
var idx;
idx = this.subCategories.length;
this.subCategories [idx] = name;
function Category (name)
this.name = name;
this.subCategories = new Array (1);
this.AddSubCategory = AddSubCategory;
myArray[0] = new Category ("CAT 1");
myArray[1] = new Category ("CAT 2");
myArray[2] = new Category ("CAT 3");
myArray[0].AddSubCategory ("CAT 0 - SUBCAT 1");
myArray[0].AddSubCategory ("CAT 0 - SUBCAT 2");
myArray[0].AddSubCategory ("CAT 0 - SUBCAT 3");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 1");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 2");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 3");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 4");
myArray[2].AddSubCategory ("CAT 2 - SUBCAT 1");
myArray[2].AddSubCategory ("CAT 2 - SUBCAT 2");
myArray[2].AddSubCategory ("CAT 2 - SUBCAT 3");
function changeOptionList ()
if (current > 2)
current = 0;
var len;
var i;
// now create the list
len = myArray[current].subCategories.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
document.main.subcategories.options = new Option (
myArray [current].subCategories , i);
document.main.subcategories.length = len;
document.main.subcategories.selectedIndex = 0;
function showSelected ()
var idx = document.main.subcategories.selectedIndex;
var string = "SelectedIndex (" + idx + ")";
alert (string);
return (false);
<form name="main" ONSUBMIT="return showSelected ();">
<BUTTON name="change_option" type="button" ONCLICK="changeOptionList ()">
Change Option List
<SELECT name="subcategories">
<input type=submit name="submit" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"Submit">
I have attached a simple html page that has one select pulldown in a form, and a button.
If you click on the button it changes the options in the pulldown list, just the way I want it to. That works fine.
What I cannot get to work is that when I update the list of options, I want it to select the first option (option 0).
After I fill in the option list I then set the selectedIndex of the select object and it does not fail, but does not put the selected option in the text portion of the pulldown.
I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what, could you help me please?
Thank you
var myArray = new Array (3);
var current = -1;
function AddSubCategory (name)
var idx;
idx = this.subCategories.length;
this.subCategories [idx] = name;
function Category (name)
this.name = name;
this.subCategories = new Array (1);
this.AddSubCategory = AddSubCategory;
myArray[0] = new Category ("CAT 1");
myArray[1] = new Category ("CAT 2");
myArray[2] = new Category ("CAT 3");
myArray[0].AddSubCategory ("CAT 0 - SUBCAT 1");
myArray[0].AddSubCategory ("CAT 0 - SUBCAT 2");
myArray[0].AddSubCategory ("CAT 0 - SUBCAT 3");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 1");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 2");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 3");
myArray[1].AddSubCategory ("CAT 1 - SUBCAT 4");
myArray[2].AddSubCategory ("CAT 2 - SUBCAT 1");
myArray[2].AddSubCategory ("CAT 2 - SUBCAT 2");
myArray[2].AddSubCategory ("CAT 2 - SUBCAT 3");
function changeOptionList ()
if (current > 2)
current = 0;
var len;
var i;
// now create the list
len = myArray[current].subCategories.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
document.main.subcategories.options = new Option (
myArray [current].subCategories , i);
document.main.subcategories.length = len;
document.main.subcategories.selectedIndex = 0;
function showSelected ()
var idx = document.main.subcategories.selectedIndex;
var string = "SelectedIndex (" + idx + ")";
alert (string);
return (false);
<form name="main" ONSUBMIT="return showSelected ();">
<BUTTON name="change_option" type="button" ONCLICK="changeOptionList ()">
Change Option List
<SELECT name="subcategories">
<input type=submit name="submit" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"Submit">