Problem calling a script from IE


I've created a way to dynamically call a VB script from an ASP.NET page, like this:

'Dynamic VB file
Dim dynamicscript1 = "<script language=""vb"" runat=""server"" src=""/maindirectory/"
Dim dynamicscript2 = dir_path + subdir1_path + subdir2_path
Dim dynamicscript3 = "bgscripts/vb/"
Dim dynamicscript4 = page_path
Dim dynamicscript5 = ".vb"" />"
Response.Write(dynamicscript1 + dynamicscript2 + dynamicscript3 + dynamicscript4 + dynamicscript5)

<script language="vb" runat="server" src="/maindirectory/directory/subdirectory1/subdirectory2/pagename.vb" />
Firefox = Shows up great on display and in source code
IE = Shows up in code, but not on display of page. Page is just blank.

I also manually put the same resulting script onto the page, and the page loaded fine in IE. It's only having a problem when I use the above script. If anyone can help me to figure out what I'm doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.I wouldn't think it would matter on a server side script (runat="server") but I've had issues in the past with using the XML shorthand on script tags. You might want to go ahead and try the long way (make dynamicscript5 = ".vb""></script>" instead.)Great! It now works. I now remember hearing something about that in the past, but I completely forgot about it. Thanks for your help nhanson:)