Problem adding IE WebControls into VS.Net


New Member
I am trying to create a .Net web app in VS.Net (version 7.0.9466, .NEt framework version 1.0.3705) using the TreeView control from the IE WebControls namespace.<BR><BR>I have download the web controls, installed them and can use them perfectly well in web pages *not* created in VS.Net but when I try to create an app using TreeView in VS.Net the Web Forms toolbox does not list the TreeView control (or any of the others in the IE WebControls namespace such as TabControl).<BR><BR>I have added the control to WebForms using the Customize option (both it and the Windows.Forms TreeView boxes are ticked) checked the references etc etc but the TreeView or any of the other IE web controls just will not show up in the Web Forms toolbox! CAn anyone tell me why VS won't load these controls up for me? <BR><BR>(I've been using this article as a basis to create my app:<BR>;EN-US;q319441&GSSNB=1)<BR><BR>MikeRight-Click on the Web Form Toolbox, select "Customize Toolbox", select the .NET Framework Components Tab, click the Namespace Header to sort by Namespace, scroll to Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls, tick all the controls in that namespace.Chris,<BR><BR>As I said in my initial post, that's exactly I did but still the controls would not appear in the Web Forms toolbox... however, what I noticed is that they appear in the Windows Forms toolbox instead - along with the actual Windows Forms controls themselves! So, for example I see two TreeView controls, only one of which is available if I am builing a web app and the other if I'm building a Windows app - very strange. I don't know if this is a bug in VS.Net... but I can't see why web controls would appear on the Windows Forms toolbox!! I'd be interested to see if anyone else has had this happen or if this is how VS is designed.<BR><BR>I have at least been able to build my web app but certainly not in the way the article recommended by dragging the TreeView from the Web Forms toolbox.<BR><BR>Thanks for the help anyway... <BR><BR>Mike.