I have decleared a public integer in my control (intID).<BR>If I write: intID="2" in my .aspx page (as a parameter to my control). Everything works fine. But when I try to write something like: intID="<%=intValue%>" I get an string/Int32 conversion error. Can anyone help me on this one? Hpw can I do this?I assume that intID is a string and intValue is an integer. In that case you can solve the problem by changing intID to an integer or convert intValue to a string by using the method ToString().<BR><BR>i.e <BR><%=intValue.ToString()%><BR><BR>ps<BR>if you somehow want to convert something to an integer you have to use the command Convert.ToInt32(intValue). But I suppose you don't need that for this case.<BR>ds