Probably a stupid question-->

Ok, I want to create a site out of html but I want a template design so that if I update the design, I don't have to manually go through every page and change it (for example: if I change a link/picture in my navigation menu, it is changed on every page). I know it is really easy to do, but I can't work out how. Thanx in advance...<br />
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PS. If this post doesn't make sense, try and decode it :P<!--content-->Sound like you want to use frames, iframes, or a server side language such as SSI, Perl, PHP, etc... <br />
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I guess it depends on what your host supports, what route you want to take, and how much you are wanting to learn. <br />
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The answer guys/gals in this forum are good with answers, so keep the questions going. <br />
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"the only stupid question is the one not asked".<!--content-->you can also use SSI (server side includes)<!--content-->Ok, so where do I start?<!--content-->in scoutt's signature line :) <br />
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You can do a forum search as well and get an idea of what others found out from simular questions. :rocker:<!--content-->Originally posted by OZGRESSION <br />
Ok, so where do I start? <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->