Probably a stupid question,


but I don't care about that.<br />
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I recently made a try out site for a funkband. Now, it's not finished at all but there are two things I'm wondering about.<br />
1) I made it a fullscreen site. No statusbar etc, fullscreen as fullscreen can be. Is that a good idea, or is it too typical for p*rnsites etc. and will most of the people close it immediately? Give me some advise please.<br />
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2) More & more people advise me to work without frames. Designing everything in tables. Does this mean that everytime a visitor chooses another page he or she has to reload the menu again or should I work different? Help needed again.:D <br />
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Cheers,<br />
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Sjakie<!--content-->Not really a good idea. People will have to start up a new browser window when they leave your site to type the address. Lots of people also find them annoying.<!--content-->1) Very bad idea, IMO. When I go to a site like that, I usually immediately close the window and never return. The user should have control over his browser, not the Webmaster.<br />
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2) You can use SSI for the menus. I don't know much about SSI, but someone else can probably help you.<!--content-->Thanks for the replies.<br />
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I'm going to redesign the page to a normal browser window I guess...<br />
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I can't use SSI because the server is not supporting it.<br />
It's a webspace a get with my DSL account. So no PHP etc.<br />
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Is there an other option without having to pay for it? (and banners)<!--content-->SSI isnt anything to do with PHP as far as I know. It is a server action when a page is requested. You can add code to the page that tells the server to perform an action before it is sent to the browser. It is worth calling the tech support desk to see if they do allow you to use SSI.<br />
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As far as the full screen page goes, I wouldnt use it as said in the previous posts, a user should always have full control over the window.<!--content-->I have just started an account with <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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They only charge $5 a month for hosting(333mb space, 5gig bandwidth, PHP, CGI, etc. support.). I think domain name registering is $5 a year if I remember correctly. I have only had the account for about a week now so I can't really give any kind of recommendation for them yet. I will say that the other day I had trouble accessing my website( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ) so I sent them a support ticket. The ticket was completed in less than 20 minutes and my site was back on. The only host I would not recommend is AIT. I have read some horror stories on different review sites about people being double billed and being billed after they deleted their account. I heard their support and reliability is also horrible. Their website looks good though :D . Hope this helps.<!--content-->Originally posted by creative666 <br />
SSI isnt anything to do with PHP as far as I know.<br />
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Couldn't any more correct creative666. To include a page in SSI you use...<br />
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<!--#include file="filename.shtml" --><br />
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and in PHP...<br />
<br />
<?php include ("filename.php"); ?><br />
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Easy :D<!--content-->Hey guys, what I meant was: no php ETC<br />
No SSI, ASP, homemade CGI, PHP, and so on.<br />
Did I forget one? :D <br />
Thanks anyway. I appreciate all the help and I wasn't that clear probably. :P <br />
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So, besides another host there is no solotion?<!--content-->