How do I prevent the normal DB user from accessing the mySQL database. I have created a user called 'dbuser' and has got access to all other databases, from PHP scripts.
But I don't want the 'dbuser' to access mySQL database from the mySQL prompt on linux
> mysql -udbuser -p mysql
I created an entry in db table with host - %, user - dbuser and database mysql with all privileges set to 'N' (no).
I created an entry in host table with host % , db - mysql and all columns set to 'N' .
Invoked the command 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES' from the mySQL prompt, but still the dbuser can access the mySQL database and see all entries in all tables.
What is missing ? What should i do to prevent dbuser from accessing mySQL db entirely. No SELECT,Insert, DELETE, UPDATE, and other privileges, nothing.
Thank you in advance.
But I don't want the 'dbuser' to access mySQL database from the mySQL prompt on linux
> mysql -udbuser -p mysql
I created an entry in db table with host - %, user - dbuser and database mysql with all privileges set to 'N' (no).
I created an entry in host table with host % , db - mysql and all columns set to 'N' .
Invoked the command 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES' from the mySQL prompt, but still the dbuser can access the mySQL database and see all entries in all tables.
What is missing ? What should i do to prevent dbuser from accessing mySQL db entirely. No SELECT,Insert, DELETE, UPDATE, and other privileges, nothing.
Thank you in advance.