Private Server but Domain :(


New Member

It's Faisal here ;). I would like to have one information. One of my friend have a website on phpBB3. But Now he want to turn to vBulletin 3.7 as they gave their GOLD version finaly ;)

Well, the host problem is solved, before he used Free host but now he is Buying a host, that is a private server, AND the provider said that you can use VB Nulled on that server / can do any thing you want :)

But Now today I saw the email of vBTEAM sayin that their domain is suspended :(

Well, I would like to have this info. That My host will not make problem/ that is sure. BUT is it possible that if some one reported to vB piracy and my domain will get suspended?? LIKE HERE??? <He have a .com domain>

Thanks in advance ;) BADLY waiting for answer :)

nice site ;)
