It's Faisal here . I would like to have one information. One of my friend have a website on phpBB3. But Now he want to turn to vBulletin 3.7 as they gave their GOLD version finaly
Well, the host problem is solved, before he used Free host but now he is Buying a host, that is a private server, AND the provider said that you can use VB Nulled on that server / can do any thing you want
But Now today I saw the email of vBTEAM sayin that their domain is suspended
Well, I would like to have this info. That My host will not make problem/ that is sure. BUT is it possible that if some one reported to vB piracy and my domain will get suspended?? LIKE HERE??? <He have a .com domain>
Thanks in advance BADLY waiting for answer
nice site
It's Faisal here . I would like to have one information. One of my friend have a website on phpBB3. But Now he want to turn to vBulletin 3.7 as they gave their GOLD version finaly
Well, the host problem is solved, before he used Free host but now he is Buying a host, that is a private server, AND the provider said that you can use VB Nulled on that server / can do any thing you want
But Now today I saw the email of vBTEAM sayin that their domain is suspended
Well, I would like to have this info. That My host will not make problem/ that is sure. BUT is it possible that if some one reported to vB piracy and my domain will get suspended?? LIKE HERE??? <He have a .com domain>
Thanks in advance BADLY waiting for answer
nice site